Caroline Fay, B.A., R.H.N., C.H.N.C.

Hi, I'm Caroline, a Cognitive Nutritionist and proud McGill University alumna. As the founder of Millionera®, I'm dedicated to empowering and inspiring you to live your richest life by nourishing your mind.

At Millionera® we believe in the transformative power of holistic nutrition and the principles of positive psychology. We know that true wealth and success begin within the mind. By nourishing your mind with the right nutrients and adopting positive lifestyle habits, you can unlock boundless energy, enhance your cognitive/mental wellness, live your purpose and build a life you truly love.

Join us on a journey of self love and personal growth. Welcome to Millionera® and let your journey to a richer life begin today.


Before anything, I think it is important that I confess that as a proud Canadian, I love poutine. Golden fried potato mountains of goodness topped with glorious cheesy clouds, drizzled with streams of rich wholesome gravy.

That's my truth. Now, do I eat that everyday? Of course not! Because I happen to love myself a lot more and know that eating well is a form of self-love.

Plus, I'm on a mission and I know I need the energy to execute it.

But I didn't always practice self love or know how to conserve my energy, I used to neglect myself, prioritizing everything and everyone above my own mental and physical health.

The result? The body keeps score: chronic anxiety, vertigo, liver dysfunction and despite seeing numerous doctors, I got no relief, and eventually got severely injured by "Cipro", a fluoroquinolone antibiotic, which left me bedridden and unable to walk for years.

I felt trapped in my body, yearning for a healthier vessel to pursue my dreams.

I envisioned my spirit jumping into another body that worked well enough to get on with life.

Sadly, I didn’t possess such superhuman powers and day after day I suffered.

There was so much that I wanted to do, to experience and accomplish, but all I could do was focus on managing my symptoms.

Thankfully by the grace of God, in spite of my suffering, something shifted.

A new perspective emerged.

What if I was meant to go through this to help others?

What if at the weakest point in my life, the most powerful me was emerging?

And just like that, with a shifted perspective and mindset, everything started to change.

Yes I was still physically struggling, and still do sometimes to this day, but taking responsibility for my well-being and becoming proactive in my own healing journey was helping me get back on track.

My calling was getting louder and my purpose stronger. I immersed myself in learning everything I could about Natural Nutrition and the body's psychological and spiritual connection, eventually becoming a Registered Holistic Nutritionist specializing in women's Cognitive and Mental Health .

As I slowly gained the strength, Millionera®, a company I started years ago with the purpose of motivating women to financially level up, suddenly took on a new meaning and purpose and is now dedicated to inspiring others to harness the power of their mind and energy to embody their higher self and live their richest life mind, body, spirit.



In Arabic, the word "Millionera®" refers to a female millionaire, a woman who has acquired significant financial wealth. But we are redefining the term to mean the truest form of wealth in this life.

A ‘Millionera®' is any woman who embodies wealth in mind, energy and spirit.

A ‘Millionera® is rich in faith, self love, purpose and passion.

A woman who knows that her health is her one true wealth, prioritizing her mind-body-spirit everyday, thereby experiencing the ultimate freedom to pursue her dreams and live her highest good.


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Millionera Wellness believes that true wealth lies in a healthy mind, body and spirit, which enables us to unleash our light, pursue our dreams and reach our highest potential. Thats why we are dedicated to providing the tools, knowledge and support to take your mind and energy to the next level. We believe that women are the back bone of our society, and by inspiring them to make positive healthy changes, we can make our community as whole a better place.



Millionera® empowers women worldwide. We have proudly supported over 30 female entrepreneurs across 17 different under developed countries, helping them start businesses such as bakeries and sustainable farming. With every purchase of our products or services, you are helping women all over the world flourish and live their dreams too.




Rich in mind, energy, spirit